Pallet Conveyor Systems And Their Models

To quickly get a product from one area to another, most facilities use conveyors. Conveyors are found in many factories that use the assembly line method to order products. However, conveyors have many uses and are not just restricted to an assembly line production facility. Pallet conveyors, also known as palletized transport systems, are used to move pallets from one area to another for a variety of purposes and come in four styles. These styles are the belt conveyor, roller conveyor, the chain conveyor and the cam driven. All four styles have the ability to move heavily loaded pallets without much difficulty. However, the most common styles that are used are the roller and the chain. Some will even use a combination of the roller and the chain conveyors. Roller and chain styles can be assembled to a specification that is needed. The more standard sizes however are with the width ranging from a few inches to 12 ft and length ranging from 5 ft and 8 ft. Although it is not rare to see ...